I’ve appreciated the expertise Dominick Bellia and his team have shown helping Voices of Alzheimer’s set up our accounting system. We’ve only worked with 老葡京手机app for a few months but have benefited from their patience in answering a lot of preliminary questions, 对风险管理问题有深入的见解和关注. 我们期待着在未来从我们持续的伙伴关系中获益. – 吉姆·泰勒,阿尔茨海默病之声主席
“The Fritz Pollard Alliance Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with less than five full-time employees. Our growth relies heavily on our ability to align sound business practices with a clearheaded vision. Our initial objective was to identify a business partner that offered more than just an accounting service. We needed a partner that could help us achieve operational efficiency and better transparency. 老葡京手机app has brought tremendous value in helping us establish the clarity and the confidence we need to develop a sustainable business model. 多米尼克·贝利亚和贾尼斯·沃福德在这个过程中一直是非常好的合作伙伴.” – 罗德·格雷夫斯,弗里茨·波拉德联盟基金会执行董事
从之前与多米尼克·贝利亚和阿曼达·麦克威廉姆斯合作的经验来看, 作为ATLIS的执行董事,我一到就立刻联系了他们. 我从来没有后悔过那个决定. 当时, ATLIS正在从一个主要由志愿者驱动的组织转变为今天的样子, 一个年收入近100万美元的组织. 建立信任机制帮助这一转变取得了成功. I explained to Dominick that I wanted to bring on 老葡京手机app for the long-term so the organization and 老葡京手机app’s involvement with us could grow together—and that’s exactly what has happened. 我每天都依靠多米尼克和他的团队. 他们的专业知识总是可用的, and it saves me from the challenges of investing too much time trying to understand the financial nuances of the organization.
Financial reporting is always evolving but am confident in the reporting that Dominick and Amanda deliver to the board based on the trust I’ve developed in them. ——克里斯蒂娜·卢埃伦, MBA, CAE, 执行董事, 独立学校技术领袖协会
“我对老葡京手机app感到非常兴奋,我很感激与多米尼克合作. 他对我向他提出的每一个问题都非常了解, 我相信他的建议为我的公司节省了数万美元. 除了, he went above and beyond to connect us to a lender for PPP #2 when I could not get a loan through my regular bank, 效果也很好吗.” – Aaron Seyedian, Well-Paid Maids的创始人
“多米尼克、杰西和整个老葡京手机app团队都很棒! 他们非常乐于助人,反应迅速,总是能满足我们协会的需求.” – Anina Adelfino是临床研究组织协会的运营经理
“我很幸运多米尼克·贝利亚担任我的客户经理, 谁是善良的, 并且非常耐心地帮助我学习这个系统. His knowledge about so many of the nuances of the system, and business in general is astounding. 我经常给他打电话,我担心老葡京手机app会解雇我! 除了系统简化了我的内部会计之外, 税务准备所需的资料是现成的, 随时通知, 我没有付出任何努力.” – Wendi Picker-Dennard,住宿无限公司的独立会议策划人